Staten Island New York

Excited that you are interested in this mission endeavor in Staten Island, New York. I pray for God to make it clear to each of you your participation in the endeavor. Make Notes. Ask Questions. Pray!The Particulars:

·       The church will cover 30% of the cost for all members when the final cost is determined. Non-Members will be expected to cover the full cost.

·       The cost of the trip covers all the following:

o   Travel - (Vehicle Rentals on field)

o   Lodging – Church/Mission House

o   Food – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner on Ministry Days

o   Ministry Activities – we will contribute to the ministry opportunities that we are doing while in Staten Island in hopes to support our sister church not only in manpower but financially.

·       Your cost on top of the trip cost:

o   All travel food to & from Staten Island.

o   Day in the City Activities & Food

o   Souvenirs

·       Teams Fundraiser (AZ, NY, DR, Staten Island) – Details to come.

o   These 4 teams will participate in a unified fundraiser to help build additional scholarships to offset all 2023 Mission Teams Participants.

·       Ministry Opportunity & Who we are serving:

o   Salem Church

o   Potential Schedule in NY

§  Tuesday is arrival and night of worship.

§  Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday are fully loaded with ministry.

§  Friday is your free day in Manhattan for sightseeing, a ballgame, or show or whatever you arrange.

§  Sunday is church and go home.

o   Ministry projects are designed to serve people in a way that makes them ask “why?” and then we share the gospel with them. Specifics aren’t nailed down yet, but it will be like years past.

·       Commitment Deadline – March 26th

o   Secured with a $100 non-refundable deposit.

·       1st Deadline – April 30th | Final payment – June 18th

o   $150 | $???? (Depends on member status, team fundraising, Day of Fun, and final cost)